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Revision as of 13:56, 22 March 2017 by Tectu (Talk | contribs)

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The FreeRTOS port works out of the box without any modifications. Simply enable the port by setting GFX_USE_OS_FREERTOS to TRUE in your configuration file.


As with all ports it's important that the underlying system is initialized prior to calling gfxInit(). In case of FreeRTOS this means that vTaskStartScheduler() needs to be executed prior to gfxInit(). However, due to the fact that vTaskStartScheduler() never returns the µGFX library can't be initialized inside the main thread. To illustrate the problem:

// Initialize uGFX. This requires FreeRTOS to be initialized already. As that's not
// the case this function call will lead to a crash.
// Initialize FreeRTOS. This function never returns.

The solution to this problem is creating a thread that initializes the entire system. It's a one-time task that doesn't contain a loop:

// ToDo