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Revision as of 12:49, 1 July 2014

There are two ways to get a copy of µGFX: A stable release and the latest version from the git repository. We currently recommend to use the git repository. Before you start, please make sure that your application and the use of µGFX meets the license of this project. We understand that integrating uGFX into your project might be the most difficult one for most users. Please do not hesitate to ask for help in our community forum should you face any issues.

Stable release

A copy of a stable release of µGFX can be downloaded from the download section.


Please note that the following guide has been written for unix-like systems using the terminal. For Windows, you may use a graphical git client such as SourceTree.

µGFX is developed through a git repository hosted at bitbucket.org.

cd /path/to/your/project/resources git clone https://bitbucket.org/Tectu/ugfx ugfx

Integrate µGFX

After you have successfully obtained a copy of µGFX, you have to include it into your current project. Note that µGFX internally uses Makefiles. You can find detailed descriptions for the currently supported platforms below. However, adding new platforms is fairly easy. See the GOS documentation to learn how.

BareBone (without OS) ChibiOS/RT FreeRTOS Linux Mac OS X Win32

Board files

Certain modules of µGFX such as the display and touchscreen drivers require a file which builds the interface to your actual hardware. This might sound scary but all the template and example files that come with µGFX make this job very easy.

You need the following two files in your project directory:

board_DRIVER.h ginput_lld_mouse_board.h (only required when you use a touchscreen) If you're using some well known dev board, it's very likely that there are already board files for this board. Inside the /boards/base/ directory, you can find the supported boards. Simply include the board.mk for the appropriate board in your Makefile.

Otherwise, create a new directory inside /boards/base/ and copy the *_template.h which you can find in each drivers directory to it and rename them as shown above. Then implement the empty routines you can find inside that file. Note that not all the function implementations are required for the drivers to work. For example the GDISP module can work without an implementation to control the backlight. Just leave it empty in such cases.

Move on

You can now move on by read the documentation of the different modules. Please note that you have to create gfxconf.h file in your project directory. In this file, you will have to enable each submodule of µGFX you want to use. You can find an example of a gfxconf.h file in the toplevel directory of uGFX showing all the available options. You can simply copy this file to your project's directory and rename it accordingly.

You may want to consider using the Linux, OS-X or the Win32 port of µGFX to develop your application on your host computer. This both simplifies and speeds up the process fo development a lot.


There are two ways to get support for your µGFX related problems:

Free public support by the community through the discussion forum A support agreement / contract Please do not hesitate to contact us if you're interested into a support agreement.