Creating a widget

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It's possible to implement custom widgets. A custom widget can be declared and implemented outside of the µGFX library. This means that it can be part of the actual project and that it's not necessary to do any modification of the µGFX library itself. The first half of this article will explain how widgets are implemented an whats needed to create a custom widget. The second half of the article is a step-by-step guide that will show how to actually implement a custom widget based on an example.

It's vital that you've read the GWIN article and the corresponding sub-articles about windows, widgets and containers before following this guide.

Note: If you just want to change the look of an existing widget, please have a look at WidgetStyles and custom rendering functions.

Theory of operation

A widget consists of three main parts: The object structure, the VMT and the rendering routine.

Object structure

The C language is not object oriented - yet it's possible to write object oriented software without any problems. The philosophy is to create a struct which is the object and to pass that struct as the first parameter to any function that has to have access to the object. A widget is an object and hence it needs a struct that defines the object. The only thing that makes the widget object struct become a widget struct is that the very first field is a GWidgetObject:

typedef struct StatusbarObject_t {
    GWidgetObject w;  // Base Class
} StatusbarObject;

Note that it is absolutely mandatory that the GWidgetObject is the very first field in the struct. This is needed to implement inheritance and polymorphism. After that first field you can add any field you want to the widget object struct. For example, a slider would add fields to hold the minimum, maximum and current value. A list widget would hold a list here. A text edit (line edit) would hold the current cursor position and so on. In terms of an object oriented language this is the private area of the class. In our case we store three variables to store the current system time in hours, minutes and seconds. The information whether the USB or SD-Card are present will be stored in the flags (see below) to save memory.

typedef struct StatusbarObject_t {
    GWidgetObject w;  // Base Class
    uint8_t hours;
    uint8_t minutes;
    uint8_t seconds;
} StatusbarObject;

Note that we store the time in the statusbar object because the statusbar widget is not supposed to query the system time itself. Instead, the application that uses the statusbar will use a GTIMER to periodically update the time fields of the statusbar using the statusbarSetTime() function that we will implement later. The GWidgetObject itself is based on a GWindowObject as explained in the article about widgets. Therefore, the following attributes are already part of our StatusbarObject and don't need to be added manually:


The flags need some explanation: The GWindowObject contains a field of the type uint32_t and can therefore represent 32 flags. Some of these flags are used by the GWIN module internally to store certain information like the enable state, the visibility, whether the widget was allocated dynamically and so on. However, the first 8 bits are reserved for widget internal use. For example, the pushbutton widget uses one of these bits to keep record of the pressed/release state. The label widget uses the flags to keep the information whether the a border around the text should be rendered and so on. In our case we will use the flags to keep information about whether the USB and the SD-Card are present. In order to allow the user of the widget to write a custom rendering routine we must declare those flags in the header file, not the source file:



The VMT (virtual method table) is a mechanism to implement dynamic function binding. In case of C it's a simple struct containing function pointers. The VMT technique allows to implement virtual methods in our C-classes. The VMT is defined by the GWIN module. The custom widget simply creates an instance of that struct and fills in the functions pointers. The GWIN module defines a VMT for each type of GWIN element: Window, widget and container. As a widget inherits from the window the widget VMT actually contains the window VMT. The VMTs declarations look like this (taken from /src/gwin/gwin_class.h):

 * @brief   The Virtual Method Table for a GWIN window
 * @{
typedef struct gwinVMT {
    const char *        classname;                      /**< The GWIN classname (mandatory) */
    size_t              size;                           /**< The size of the class object */
    void (*Destroy)     (GWindowObject *gh);            /**< The GWIN destroy function (optional) */
    void (*Redraw)      (GWindowObject *gh);            /**< The GWIN redraw routine (optional) */
    void (*AfterClear)  (GWindowObject *gh);            /**< The GWIN after-clear function (optional) */
} gwinVMT;
/** @} */
 * @brief   The Virtual Method Table for a widget
 * @note    A widget must have a destroy function. Either use @p _gwidgetDestroy() or use your own function
 *          which internally calls @p _gwidgetDestroy().
 * @note    A widget must have a redraw function. Use @p _gwidgetRedraw().
 * @note    If toggleroles != 0, ToggleAssign(), ToggleGet() and one or both of ToggleOff() and ToggleOn() must be specified.
 * @note    If dialroles != 0, DialAssign(), DialGet() and DialMove() must be specified.
 * @{
typedef struct gwidgetVMT {
    struct gwinVMT                  g;                                                                  /**< This is still a GWIN */
    void (*DefaultDraw)             (GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);                                   /**< The default drawing routine (mandatory) */
        struct {
            void (*MouseDown)       (GWidgetObject *gw, coord_t x, coord_t y);                          /**< Process mouse down events (optional) */
            void (*MouseUp)         (GWidgetObject *gw, coord_t x, coord_t y);                          /**< Process mouse up events (optional) */
            void (*MouseMove)       (GWidgetObject *gw, coord_t x, coord_t y);                          /**< Process mouse move events (optional) */
        struct {
            void (*KeyboardEvent)   (GWidgetObject *gw, GEventKeyboard *pke);                           /**< Process keyboard events (optional) */
        struct {
            uint16_t                toggleroles;                                                        /**< The roles supported for toggles (0->toggleroles-1) */
            void (*ToggleAssign)    (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t instance);              /**< Assign a toggle to a role (optional) */
            uint16_t (*ToggleGet)   (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role);                                 /**< Return the instance for a particular role (optional) */
            void (*ToggleOff)       (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role);                                 /**< Process toggle off events (optional) */
            void (*ToggleOn)        (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role);                                 /**< Process toggle on events (optional) */
        struct {
            uint16_t                dialroles;                                                          /**< The roles supported for dials (0->dialroles-1) */
            void (*DialAssign)      (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t instance);              /**< Test the role and save the dial instance handle (optional) */
            uint16_t (*DialGet)     (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role);                                 /**< Return the instance for a particular role (optional) */
            void (*DialMove)        (GWidgetObject *gw, uint16_t role, uint16_t value, uint16_t max);   /**< Process dial move events (optional) */
} gwidgetVMT;
/** @} */
 * @brief   The Virtual Method Table for a container
 * @note    A container must have a destroy function. Either use @p _gcontainerDestroy() or use your own function
 *          which internally calls @p _gcontainerDestroy().
 * @note    A container must have a gwin redraw function. Use @p _containerRedraw().
 * @note    If toggleroles != 0, ToggleAssign(), ToggleGet() and one or both of ToggleOff() and ToggleOn() must be specified.
 * @note    If dialroles != 0, DialAssign(), DialGet() and DialMove() must be specified.
 * @{
typedef struct gcontainerVMT {
    gwidgetVMT  gw;
    coord_t (*LeftBorder)       (GHandle gh);                           /**< The size of the left border (mandatory) */
    coord_t (*TopBorder)        (GHandle gh);                           /**< The size of the top border (mandatory) */
    coord_t (*RightBorder)      (GHandle gh);                           /**< The size of the right border (mandatory) */
    coord_t (*BottomBorder)     (GHandle gh);                           /**< The size of the bottom border (mandatory) */
    void (*NotifyAdd)           (GHandle gh, GHandle ghChild);          /**< Notification that a child has been added (optional) */
    void (*NotifyDelete)        (GHandle gh, GHandle ghChild);          /**< Notification that a child has been deleted (optional) */
} gcontainerVMT;
/** @} */

Note that we don't use the VMT for the container element in our statusbar as we are implementing a widget and not a container. The container VMT is only shown for completeness. The function pointer declarations in the VMT specify the signature of a function (the return type and the parameters the function takes). In order to be able to register a function in the VMT, the function must match that exact signature. Let's have a look at the function to render/draw the widget:

void (*DefaultDraw) (GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);

This means that our own function that we will write to render the widget must look like this:

void myRenderingFunction(GWidgetObject* gw, void* param) { ... }

Note that the function pointer in the VMT doesn't specify the name of the function. The name DefaultDraw is only used internally by the GWIN module to call the function. You can assign a function with any name as long as the function signature matches the one from the function pointer declaration. Once a function has been declared it can be added to the VMT by simply typing the actual function name in the corresponding field in the VMT:

void myRenderingFunction(GWidgetObject* gw, void* param){
static const gwidgetVMT mywidgetVMT = {
        "MyWideget",                // The classname
        sizeof(MyWidgetObject),     // The object size
        _gwidgetDestroy,            // The destroy routine
        _gwidgetRedraw,             // The redraw routine
        0,                          // The after-clear routine
    myRenderingFunction,            // The default drawing routine    #if GINPUT_NEED_MOUSE
            0,                      // Process mouse down events
            0,                      // Process mouse up events

Rendering routine

This is the part that usually takes the most time when writing a custom widget: The rendering routine. In order to be useful, a widget needs to have at least one built-in default rendering routine. The rendering routine is the function which draws/paints the widget on the screen. This function is called by the GWIN module whenever the widget needs to be redrawn (eg. when the visibility changed). Furthermore, the widget itself can issue a redrawing operating by calling the _gwinUpdate() method. In our statusbar example this is the case when ever the time or the state of the USB/SD-Card changes.

For further information about rendering routines it's recommended to read the article about custom rendering routines.


This part of the article will show how to actually implement a widget. As an example we'll implement a statusbar. The statusbar is very application specific. It consists of a time label, a button to open a settigs dialog and two icons that show whether a USB connection and an SD-Card are present.